Village History
Events that shaped the village
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Prisoner of War Camp
In 1940 the world was at war, an act which was to have a profound effect on hundreds of thousands of people the world over. Stoney Middleton, a remote village in Derbyshire was to be no different. The village was an industrial village centred on limestone quarrying, the stone was used directly for construction and… Learn more
Public houses of the village
The village is notable for the number of public houses. Twelve have been recorded over the last 200 years, but not all necessarily at the same time. Popularity can possibly be explained by the industrialisation of the village at this time. Workers from the mines, quarries as well as numerous boot factories would undoubtedly have been… Learn more
Servicemen of WWI & II
Remembering and honoring the men from the world wars – Do you know anyone who served? Stoney Middleton and its brave men gave unreservedly for the benefit of our freedom, serving in both world wars. SMHCCG would like to commemorate these men compiling a list of all who served along with their stories. The information… Learn more
The Boundary Stone
The Boundary Stone acted as a marker separating the residents of the plague affected village of Eyam from the non-affected villagers of Stoney Middleton in 1665. It is here during the plague that money soaked in vinegar (believed to kill the infection) was placed by the villagers of Eyam in exchange for food and medical… Learn more
The Eyam and Stoney Middleton Society for the Prosecution of Felons
This fascinating organization was formed in 1812 by local residents of Stoney Middleton and Eyam and had something of the character of a very early Neighborhood Watch scheme. The following extract is taken from the village book written by Graham Armitage. ‘Discover Stoney Middleton – The forgotten village’ Buy the book here. One point that… Learn more
The Great Plague of 1665
The Bubonic Plague had been around for centuries, but 1665 saw the worst outbreak and became known as the Great Plague. The City of London was to experience the worst. However a chance encounter by a tailor from the neighbouring village of Eyam, with a parcel from London was to kill him within a week,… Learn more
The Millennium Book
Local residents capture life in the village in the year 2000, producing a book. The book provides a brief history of the village as well as a snapshot of the village in that year. It has been provided in two section and can be accessed by clicking on the links below Millennium Book – Part 1 Millennium Book –… Learn more
Village Cross – Commemorating the end to the Corn Laws
The Village Cross was erected in the village in 1846 to commemorate the repealing of the Corn Laws, laws first introduced in 1815; they imposed expensive duties on imported corn and other grains for grinding from other countries protecting the English and Irish farmers. The Cross The village cross, locally known as the Corn Cross is an important symbol… Learn more
World War one – Stoney Middleton
During the First World War approximately ten million military personnel died. Most of the deaths were on the battlefields of Northern France and Belgium, but there were many who died closer to home. In 1930 the then Imperial War Graves Commission compiled and published The War Graves Of The British Empire, a register of the… Learn more
World War Two – Stoney Middleton
World War II was to have a profound effect on the entire world, Stoney Middleton a small village in the picturesque village of Derbyshire would not escape its impact, the village was bombed, it housed a military and prisoner of war camp, and tragically lost four brave young men who gave their lives and are remembered here. We must remember… Learn more
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