Local Industries
Industrial activities that have shaped the village and its people
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A working man’s life in the 1940’s
I have been asked to write this little bit of history by my nephews David and Colin Hall, as my father was their grandfather. My story is written with great respect for the workmen of the past, and the conditions they worked under in our village. I am telling the story about my father and… Learn more
Besom Making
Besoms were used by everybody for sweeping up, they were the only type of broom available prior to more modern bristle brushes being introduced. Stoney Middleton has been known for its besom making and 100 years ago the workshop of William Jupp was above the smithy. Many people will not have heard the term besom, however everyone will… Learn more
Book & DVD Available to Order Online
Read (or watch) more and discover what makes our village so unique and special. We are delighted to offer our village book (and DVD’s) as mail order items. Simply send us a cheque to 12 Rock Mill, Stoney Middleton Hope Valley S32 4TF. Include a mailing address and we will post them free of charge.… Learn more
Boot Making
Boot making in Stoney Middleton was first recorded in 1797 at Pine View, a small cottage off High Street. By the turn of the last century (1900) the tradition of boot making had expanded into family concerns, and became a major industry for the village. The Stoney Middleton factories only produced mens heavy duty working boots including boots for… Learn more
Candle Making
Local candle making was important for and for a long period candles were the main form of lighting for everybody. They were of specific importance to an industrial village like Stoney Middleton, providing the only light for lead miners deep underground and lighting the many boot making factories of the village. Miners would be unable to… Learn more
Fluorspar Production
Fluorspar is a critically important industrial mineral which has been mined and processed in Stoney Middleton for hundreds of years and is today the only producer in Britain. Fluorspar is a mineral (calcium fluoride) found with limestone having been deposited within the fissured rock during volcanic activity many thousands of years ago. It is found… Learn more
History Comes Alive In Derbyshire Villages
Eyam and Stoney Middleton were alive with the sounds of a silver band, singing, and dramatic voices as local people commemorated the 100th anniversary of the boot and shoemakers strike of 1918. Parade April 2018 A lively ‘re-enactment’ captured the passion of the bitter dispute, which lasted for over 2 years. Children from Eyam School… Learn more
Lead Mining
People have mined lead in the Peak District for thousands of years including the Romans, as evidenced by the discovery of several Roman pigs (blocks of lead) found in the area. Lead mining remained a major industry in the area until its decline the 1850’s. Early lead mining There had always been lead mining in… Learn more
Lead Smelting
Lead Smelting is a process where lead is extracted from Galena (lead sulphide) or lead ore. Galena is found in limestone in rakes (seams or veins). Once mined the lead is extracted from the ore by heating it known as smelting. Stoney Middleton Dale had ideal conditions for smelting, it had steep slopes necessary for the draft required for the fires, while Dale Brook provided power to drive the bellows… Learn more
Lime Kilns
Lime kilns were a major feature of the village until the 1960’s. There are remains of three kilns left in the village including the parish kiln used by farmers for lime to spread on their fields. Burning lime was a very unpleasant activity producing much smoke and poisonous fumes. The practice oddly described in ‘Whites… Learn more
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