Construction Starts on New Visitor Centre

Residents of Stoney Middleton – we would really like to hear your views on what it’s like living in Stoney Middleton.
What makes it special? Which stories do you tell visitors? We have a few questions and it’s an opportunity to get involved in the development of the new visitor centre planned for The Cupola. Please follow this link, thank you from The Cupola.
The new Stoney Middelton Cupola Visitor/Heritage centre is currently being built. The fit-out and content are crucially important to its success and are currently being developed.
Bright White, an industry leading, creative design consultancy specialising in all aspects of interpretation, innovation and experience design, have been engaged to assist in this work. Part of this work involves consultation with the village, including the linked questionnaire.
They are being assisted by Bill Bevan, a respected heritage interpreter, writer, photographer and archaeologist whom the group have worked with before. He will be undertaking a drop-in session at the Moon Inn on Thursday the 13th of January between 6 – 8pm to listen to ideas and answer questions.
Local views and ideas are essential to the centre’s development, and accordingly it would be much appreciated if you could take a few moments to answer the six questions, and hopefully pop into the Moon Inn to see Bill.
The groups previous project, funded by a Heritage Lottery Grant for £30,000 was launched in January 2014 and included the creation of heritage trails, boards and maps, a comprehensive website, a 220-page illustrated book, a professionally produced and presented film, document digitisation, and oral history recordings. The project was hugely successful, winning an AHI award in the ‘Best Volunteer Project’ category.
Read more – Newsletter Nov 2021
With so many incoming ‘townies’ walking their dogs, our locals will never be able to get in there.
My solution would be to install a parking meter at 50p per hour – with an exclusion for all residents.
Coombsdale may soon be re-named “Doggy Boggy alley”
Unfortunately if you start charging parking fees, you’ll end up with even more cars parking and damaging the verges. Since lockdown the parking on the edge of the A623 from Lovers Leap Garage up to horseshoe quary has been ridiculous.
Sounding bitter!…. What’s wrong with people walking their dogs? The countryside should be for all! Not just 2 legged.
I loved living in Stoney Middleton when I was a child. One of my most talked about vivid memories is Christmas Eve when the Carol Singers walked around the village holding lanterns, singing festive carols and drinking a tot of something seasonal which was readily passed through cottage windows. They walked up the hill past our cottage on The Bank every year and stopped outside for a glass of Sherry. It was the highlight of my family Christmas as well as Santa visiting of course…
I totally agree with you. The Heritage Centre will be available to all which I think is great!