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Charabanc – day out
This picture shows a charabanc, a large old fashioned type bus outside the Lovers Leap Inn, on The Dale where Arthur Clarkson was the landlord at the time. They were mostly used by groups for visiting the coast, the races or other places of interest, although on this occasion it looks like a wedding party as one of the gentlemen… Learn more
Diamond Jubilee 1897
The picture is taken in The Nook, they are celebrations for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897. The little old lady 2nd left, next to the woman holding a child in the foreground, is Mary Hallam, wife of Peter John Hallam, née Goddard, and formerly wife of Joseph Hancock. This later snippet was by courtesy of the… Learn more
VE Day Celebrations
This picture is taken outside the former Grouse Inn during the 1945 VE Day Celebration (victory in Europe WWII). The sign above the pub shows that the licence at this time was Alfred Edwin Hancock . The sign to its side advertises music, dancing and singing, upholding the opinion of village elders who remember the… Learn more