The Families of the 1700s – incomers who stayed

A Century by Century Summary Guide

The 1700s: Incomers  from Around Derbyshire Who Stayed

The 1700s saw the arrival of a number of families from nearby communities who settled long-term branches in Stoney Middleton.

The Baggaleys were a Calver family (originally apparently in service at Edensor to the Dukes of Devonshire before settling in Curbar and Calver).  The Baggaleys married into several Stoney families, most notably the Fletchers, and became ubiquitous in the village and in surrounding towns.  They favoured the given men’s names of James, Jonathan, John, and Joseph, and the women’s names of Deborah, Ann, Elizabeth, and Mary.  One mid-1700s daughter, Ann Baggaley, married Samuel Timperley from Tideswell (son of James Timperley of Tideswell and of Rebecca Blackwell of Foolow), and began a branch of the Timperleys that existed in Stoney through the early 1900s.  The Timperleys frequently used the male names Edward, James, and Samuel, and their women were distinguished by frequent use of the names Dorothy, Judith, and Rebecca.

The Beeleys were from Snitterton near Darley (modern Darley Dale).  They arrived in Stoney Middleton when the first of them, Anthony, married Martha Thornhill in the 1750s.  Beeley men favoured the names Anthony, Joshua, John, and Henry; women were often called Martha or Alice.  A branch of the family also settled in Eyam.  The Beeleys married women of the Swindell and Brushfield families, and Beeley daughters married in the Stoney families of Cocker and Walker.  The Beeleys died out in male line by the late 1800s.  Ms. Janet M. Kirk, nee Hancock, has done the best treatment on the Beeleys to date.

From the surrounding hamlets of Grindlow, Gotheridge, and Leam, among others, the Bennetts, who favoured the male names David, Henry, Isaac, John, Samuel, and William, first became prominent in Stoney Middleton in the late 1700s, when several Bennetts moved to Stoney, and when Samuel Bennett married Cornelius and Mary (Taylor) Hallam’s eldest daughter, Elizabeth, as his second wife after the death of his first wife, nee Mary Morton.  A branch of the Bennett family descended from this marriage later moved to Australia, where they continue to the present day.  Ms. Gwen (Brunt) Bennett of Australia has done arguably the best treatment of this family to date, and this writer has also done much work on the Bennetts.

William Booth was a mason and builder who worked with eighteenth century society architect Joseph Paine. Booth built the stables at Chatsworth, the rectory at Eyam, and rebuilt Stoke Hall.  He allegedly had a hand in the Crescent at Buxton (through chronology argues against this) and in the rebuilding of St. Martin’s church at Stoney Middleton, after a mid-eighteenth century fire devastated same.  Originally from Grindleford Bridge, William Booth married the widowed Sarah Wright of Stoney Middleton, who had been born a Hallam.  The Booths’ youngest son, James, had only one son, also James, who, in addition to several illegitimate sons, fathered a line of wealthy and successful Booth men and women at Stoney Middleton that lasted til the end of the nineteenth century, when the Booths removed to the Chesterfield area.

Samuel Broadhurst of Bakewell married two wives in the Derwent Valley area, the second of whom was Ann Thornhill of Stoney Middleton.  Two of their daughters, Elizabeth and Ann Broadhurst, married cousins, each called John Sellers of Stoney Middleton.  The Broadhurst name soon died out at Stoney in the male line, but lines of Broadhursts removed to Sheffield and continued there throughout the nineteenth century.

Locals from nearby Calver, the first of the Buxtons to settle permanently at Stoney Middleton was Daniel, whose first of three wives was Dorothy Beeley of Stoney Middleton.  Favouring names like George, Charles, and Anthony, the male Buxtons married women of the Wild and Slack families, among others and had two generations of men in a row with wives called Matilda, the second such Buxton having two different wives called Matilda in addition to his like-named mother.  The last male Buxton born in the area was Lancelot, who moved out of the area in the latter half of the 1800s, and later fathered a large number of children.

The Cockers were also from Calver–two brothers, James  (who married Esther Hallam) and Ezra, founded lines of the family in Stoney Middleton that continued for generations.  In the 1800s, the Cockers became locally famous as one of the three great shoemaking dynasties at Stoney Middleton.  They favoured the names Benjamin, James, Jonathan, Joseph, and the hallmark Ezra.  Cocker women were called often Elizabeth, Esther, and Margaret, the latter from the first Ezra Cocker’s wife, Margaret Mosley of Stoke.  Cocker men married into the Baggaley, Bamford, Barber, Hallam, Parker, Thornhill, and Timperley families of Stoney Middleton, and Cocker daughters married into the Beswick family of Baslow, the Lee family of Calver, the Brocklehursts of Curbar, and the Chapmans , Timperleys, and Walkers of Stoney Middleton, among others.  The last Cockers in the male line removed from Stoney Middleton in the first half of the twentieth century.  A line of the family now also resides in New Zealand, where one of their descendants, Mr.  Robert Clark, has done an excellent Cocker family tree on  Locally, the late Mr. John Slater of Stoney Middleton also compiled an excellent set of Cocker data.

The Froggatt family also arrived in Stoney Middleton in the 1700s.  One branch descended from Thomas Froggatt, the eldest son of wealthy lead merchant Richard Froggatt of Bubnell by Richard’s wife,  Elizabeth Gilbert of Locko Park, Spondon, outside Derby.  Thomas Froggatt in his turn married Abigail Ambrose of Childwall, near Liverpool, and ended his days as an innkeeper in Stoney.  A second Froggatt line at Stoney Middleton descended from another Thomas Froggatt, this one from a related branch of the family at  Calver.  Thomas Froggatt of Calver, then of Stoney, married Jane Bowman of Great Hucklow, whose second husband was lead mine owner Benjamin Hallam of Stoney Middleton.  Additional Froggatts who spent time at Stoney included butcher William Froggatt and the wealthy landowning Anthony Froggatt.  The Froggatts favoured the male names Benjamin, John, Thomas, Richard, and William, and worked diverse trades including butcher, lead miner and farmer.  Froggatts continued at Stoney Middleton into the early 1800s.  Branches of the family would migrate to Sheffield and to British colonies abroad.  The Froggatts started off in Froggatt and Beeley, then settled in Calver and Bubnell, before occurring in Barlborough, Stoney Middleton, Eyam, and other local villages.  They were among the wealthier families to live for a time at Stoney.  Ms. Jennifer (Froggatt) Nicholas and Mr. Stuart Hill remain among the best and most active Froggatt researchers.

The Furness family, who originated in Eyam and Foolow, and who also later sired famous local poet Richard Furness “Poet of the Peak”, first came to Stoney in the very early 1700s, when wealthy Martin Furness of Eyam left property at Stoney Middleton to his younger sons Matthew and Joseph.  Matthew Furness married three times (to Gertrude Ragg of Stoney; to the much younger Olive Gregory of Calver; and to Mary Morten of Eyam) but had no surviving children; his brother Joseph married Ann Haslam of Great Longstone and moved to that town, leaving lines of Furness in both Great Longstone and Tideswell. However, two of Joseph’s sons, another Matthew and Samuel, married Hallam daughters from Stoney Middleton.  Samuel Furness, his wife Martha, and their family, lived for a time at Dronfield, then ended up in Calton Lees on the Chatsworth estate, and had later descendants at Brampton and Chesterfield, but Matthew and Anne (Hallam) Furness established a line of Furness at Stoney Middleton that lasted for two centuries, and included clergymen, businessmen, apothecaries, war heroes, and one fellow who perished far away in Rio De Janeiro.  Furness men had distinct naming patterns, with the names Matthew, Martin,  Peter, Richard, Thomas and William recurring often, along with the occasional use of the other Evangelists’ names:  John, Luke, and Mark.  Women in the Furness family frequently were called Ann, Mary, and Barbara.  Furness families were ubiquitous in the area, occurring in Calver and in parts of the parish of Hope in addition to the lines shared by the family at Eyam, Foolow, Stoney Middleton, Great Longstone, Tideswell, and Chesterfield.  The Furness Family Interest Group, chaired by Mr. Simon Goodwin, has done, among its group of researchers, probably the best and most comprehensive Furness research to date.  Mr. Allan Kitchen has also done considerable work on the Furness descendants at Chesterfield.

One family of Goddards, founded by Benjamin Goddard, came to Stoney in the latter half of the 1700s, possibly from a family at Grindleford Bridge (though this assertion is the subject of much debate).  Benjamin Goddard married Dorothy Thornhill and founded a prolific family of limeburners, gritstone quarriers, and publicans at Stoney Middleton.  The family often used the names James, George, Charles, Henry, and Arthur, as well as the women’s names Ellen and Elizabeth.  One daughter of the Goddards, Charlotte, was the foremother of the Lennon shoemaking dynasty, the only boot and shoe making family still running a bootmaking factory in Stoney today.  Another Goddard daughter, Ellen, was the wife of the most famous shoemaking Ezra Cocker.

A second family of Goddards, who favoured the man’s name Matthew and also the names John and James, appeared in the latter half of the 18th century and married into the Siddall and Timperley families.  Their connection to the Goddards founded by Benjamin Goddard and Dorothy Thornhill, if any, is as yet unknown, despite the best efforts of current Goddard researchers, among whom the leading lights are Ms. Rosemary R. Lockie, nee Goddard, and Ms. Janet M. Kirk, nee Hancock.

Gregory is one of the most common surnames in the Derwent Valley with large branches in Calver, Curbar, Eyam, and Froggatt, among other localities. Several lines of Gregorys settled in Stoney Middleton in the 1700s, the most prominent of which featured men with the name Joshua. Other common male names included William, Jonathan, James, and Samuel.  The Gregory men intermarried with women of the Mason and Stevenson families of Stoney, among others.  The family’s male lines were still seen in Stoney Middleton in the mid-1800s.  Mr. Christopher Bennett has done considerable work on the Gregory families.

The Hancock name is intimately bound up with the last two centuries of Stoney Middleton history but the family only came to Stoney in the late 1700s.  Before that, they were based in Barlow.  Marriages to a Mary Drabble  of Brampton, whose family was from Foolow; to Ellen Hallam of Stoney Middleton; and to Sarah Blackwell of Eyam, helped root the family in the Stoney Middleton area.  The family has included miners, slaters, shopkeepers, and especially butchers, and the Castlegate Stud Farm outside of Foolow and  the Castlegate Butcher’s Shop in Stoney Middleton are Hancock-run establishments, as is the Lance Hancock & Son butchery.  The Hancocks have been quite prolific in the male line–they have tended to favour the male names Archelaus (pronounced “ARK-lis”, “AR-KAY-lee-us”, or “ARK-uh-luss” depending on whom one asks and how it was variously written in the Stoney Middleton parish register, e.g., Archlus), John, Francis, Benjamin, Joseph, and in one famously Saxon run of names in the mid-1800s:  Egbert, Harold, and Alfred Edwin.  Ms.  Janet M. Kirk, nee Hancock, and Ms. Rosemary R. Lockie, nee Goddard, are the most accomplished researchers to date of the Hancock family lines.

The Handleys were originally from Church Broughton, Derbyshire.  Taking brides from the Haslams and the Thornhills,  and having illegitimate children with the Irish-immigrant Parkers, the Handleys remained present at Stoney Middleton through the early 1800s.  They favoured the slightly unusual name of Timothy for men and the names Elizabeth, Jane, and Tabitha for women.

The Marshalls originated in the parish of Tideswell and were tanners of leather by trade.    George Marshall married Mary Baggaley of Stoney Middleton and founded a large family at Stoney Middleton, whose descendants included a number of publicans and also servants at Stoke Hall.  Men favoured the names George, Henry, and Michael and married into the Goddard, Green, Somerset and Swift families.   A later Marshall  daughter married Samuel Worsencroft of Tideswell.  Their daughters, the elderly Worsencroft sisters, ran Stoney Middleton’s post office for many  years of the twentieth century.

The Mosleys (later spelt Moseley, and occasionally, Mossley) came to Stoney Middleton and Eyam from Stoke and Froggatt after marrying into the Hallams.  They favoured the men’s names William, Thomas, Joseph, Richard, and Edward, and worked in a number of different professions in the village.  Women among the Moseleys were often called Catherine, Isabella, Martha, and Millicent.  Moseleys continued at Stoney Middleton through the mid-1900s, though the name has ended locally in several large sets of sisters.  Moseleys also branched out to Macclesfield (one later became the town’s mayor), Sheffield, and South Africa.  The most accomplished Moseley researcher to date is probably the late Dr. Millicent (Moseley) Tate of Macclesfield and Birmingham.   This writer has also undertaken much Moseley research, as has Ms. Janet M. Kirk, nee Hancock.

Originally from Little Longstone, the Pidcocks came to Stoney Middleton in the early 1700s when the first of them, Joseph, married Margaret Mason.  Favouring the male names Joseph, George, and Anthony, the male line lasted until the end of the eighteenth century.  Pidcock daughters were often called Mary or Margaret, and married into a number of area families.  Ms. Anne (Paling) Lawson is probably the premier and most-published Pidcock researcher to date.

The colorful Townsend family, who came from Bretton, and whose female line descendants included an infamous granddaughter in Hannah Baddaley, descended from the very early Furness family at Eyam, and they intermarried with the Marshall and Unwin families.  The male line of Townsends came to Stoney Middleton when Joshua Townsend of Eyam, the widower of Mary Barber (also from  Eyam), married widowed public house keeper Mary (Skidmore) Hallam.  Joshua’s two daughters by Mary  (Skidmore) Hallam:   Mary, who married Joshua Gregory of Stoney Middleton; and Margaret, who married William Stone of Cromford, ended up in Cheshire and Matlock, respectively.  Joshua and Mary’s only son, William Townsend, a coachman who died young, apparently either of tuberculosis or cancer, married Susannah Wild of Calver and  died childless in the 1840s.

Descended from grandly named incomer Marmaduke Walker, whose first of three wives was Hannah Somerset of Stoney Middleton, the Walkers, partial to the male names George, John, Joseph, and Thomas, lived at Stoney Middleton and Eyam.  They took brides from a number of local families, including the Barbers, the Beeleys, the Chapmans, the Cockers, the Furness, and the Thornhills, all of Stoney Middleton,  The Walkers were miners and lasted in male line at Stoney Middleton through the mid-1800s before moving on to Sheffield, Manchester, and ultimately, Australia.  Mr. Malcom “Mal” Walker of Australia has done considerable, helpful Walker research.

The Wilds were based in Calver and Curbar and came to Stoney Middleton when Robert Wild  of Calver married Mary Allen, the daughter of Henry Allen (alias Vickers) of Edensor and of Elizabeth Froggatt of Bubnell, then of Stoney Middleton.  Robert and Mary’s children continued the Wilds in male line  at Stoney until the very early 1800s.  Later nineteenth century Wilds at Stoney were descended from a line of Wild cousins who had stayed longer in Calver before coming to Stoney.  The eighteenth century male Wilds at Stoney preferred the names Abraham, Henry, Robert, and Thomas; nineteenth century male Wilds were frequently called James and William.  Female Wilds often bore the names Abigail, Ann, Ellen, Jane, and Sarah.  The Wilds married into the Buxtons and the Thornhills , among other families in the village


  • Jennifer Nicholas says:

    Not sure that the following information is correct.
    “The Froggatt family also arrived in Stoney Middleton in the 1700s. One branch descended from Thomas Froggatt, the eldest son of wealthy lead merchant Richard Froggatt of Bubnell by Richard’s wife, Elizabeth Gilbert of Locko Park, Spondon, outside Derby. Thomas Froggatt in his turn married Abigail Ambrose of Childwall, near Liverpool, and ended his days as an innkeeper in Stoney.”

    My understanding is that Thomas who married Abigail was of the Froggatt of Bubnell line that lived at Stoke Hall. Thomas had the difficult task of sorting out the Froggatt finances after his father Richard and grandfather Thomas the lead merchant died with large debts in the 1680s. I have no information connecting him to inn keeping in Stony Middleton.

    Thomas of the Stony Middleton Froggatts descended from The Folds Farm Froggatt line. He chose to move to Stony Middleton rather than inherit the tenancy of a farm at Nether Padley from his father John. Here again I have no information that connects him with inn keeping.
    There is a researcher who is a direct descendant of this family. If I can contact him he will have more information.

  • Jennifer Nicholas says:

    I have a copy of the 1791 will of John Froggatt Innkeeper of Stoney Middleton. He has a wife Hannah and sons John, Joseph and Thomas. Thomas is the heir. Good friend John Storrs the lead smelter is the executor. So far I have no information about John Froggatt’ s ancestry.

  • Jennifer Nicholas says:

    A 1721 will indicates that John Froggatt Innkeeeper was the son of Thomas who moved to Stoney Middleton from Calver. That being so he was connected to the Froggatts of Froggatt via the Folds Farm Calver branch.

  • Jennifer Nicholas says:

    My Stoney Middleton expert tells me of a 1742 will of a Thomas Froggatt of Stoney who was an innkeeper. His wife was Abigail. His son was Henry and he was also an innkeeper. There is also a Thomas Froggatt who is an inn keeper in 1754 – 1759. A John Froggatt is an inn keeper 1760 – 1764

  • Jennifer Nicholas says:

    “The Froggatt family also arrived in Stoney Middleton in the 1700s. One branch descended from Thomas Froggatt, the eldest son of wealthy lead merchant Richard Froggatt of Bubnell by Richard’s wife, Elizabeth Gilbert of Locko Park, Spondon, outside Derby. Thomas Froggatt in his turn married Abigail Ambrose of Childwall, near Liverpool, and ended his days as an innkeeper in Stoney.”

    The Froggatt of Bubnell line Thomas, Richard, Thomas continued to hold the tenancy of Cross Farm, Bubnell into the 19th century. Will and parish register evidence indicates that Thomas, the oldest son and heir of Richard, lived at Stoke Hall after his father and grandfather died. His oldest son, John, was born there in 1690. It took Thomas and his grandfather, Henry Gilbert , ten years to settle Richard’s estate. By Richard’s will Thomas was to inherit the tenancy of the Bubnell farm after his mother died. It had been thought that his wife was Abigail but the 1742 Thomas of Stoney Middleton will rules that out. There is no information as to the name of his wife it being likely that the marriage was not at a local church. After the estate was settled and probate granted in 1694 Thomas moved to Bubnell where it seems that a second son named Robert and a daughter named Elizabeth were born.
    It will be interesting to track down the parentage of Thomas the innkeeper of Stoney Middleton

    • Jennifer Nicholas says:

      Rethink on the previous message. The 1742 Thomas Froggatt of Stoney Middleton will ldoes not rule out Abigail Ambrose being the wife of Thomas Froggatt who inherited the tenancy of Cross Farm Bubnell and had children John, Elizabeth and Robert. 1690 there are at least two local marriages for Thomas Froggatt and spouses named Abigail – one in the Chesterfield St Marys register and one in the Baslow Register.

  • Jennifer Nicholas says:

    Re: ” Additional Froggatts who spent time at Stoney included butcher William Froggatt and the wealthy landowning Anthony Froggatt.”

    Richard Froggatt of Folds Farm, Calver was a butcher who rented a shop and cottage in Stoney Middleton and several farms. He makes a will in 1729. He has five sons, four of whom are to inherit leases of farms that he rents, son William receives £1. Richard requires his executors to pay the rent of the cottage and shop until his grandson, Anthony (son of William) is twenty one. If Anthony dies the lease of the cottage and shop in Stoney Middleton was to go to his younger brother.

    • Jennifer Nicholas says:

      A 1752 document in the DRO Matlock refers to the transfer of a shop and house from Anthony Froggatt husbandman of Calver to John Hallam grocer of Stoney Middleton. Surely this indicates that the assumption that Anthony was wealthy is incorrect?

  • Jennifer Nicholas says:

    Will evidence confirms that the heir of Richard Froggott of Bubnell did not become a Stoney Middleton inn keeper and have a son Henry.
    A Thomas Froggott of Stoney Middleton related to the Fold Farm Calver Froggotts and husband of Jane owns two houses in Stoney Middleton. One house goes to oldest son Thomas and the other house is shared between his two younger sons.
    There are no clues to the ancestry of inn keeper Thomas Froggott of Stoney Middleton married to Abigail. His son Henry is a miner.

  • Jennifer Nicholas says:

    There was a landowning Wild family headed by Thomas in the late 16th century in Froggatt. (Documentary evidence in the DRO3331 Collection. Original Baslow PR has Elin Froggatt married Roger Wild son of Thomas. Derbyshire Marriages has the Elizabeth Froggatt who married Henry Allen of Edensor at Bakewell November 18th 1717 of Hathersage not Bubnell.

  • Jennifer Nicholas says:

    I thought it worth mentioning that Baslow, Bakewell, Beeley, Edensor original PRs are on Family Search. Unfortunately the Stony Middleton ones are not there. Worth searching as the originals show that several transcriptions on CDs and websites are incorrect. Also there are some interesting records that do not appear on any CDs or websites. Indications are that some lists must have been copied because incorrect transcriptions and comments have also been copied.

  • Helen says:

    My great great grandfather was called Joel Froggatt and he died 29.1.1932 I believe. He married a Margaret Louisa Howard. Their son Harold Froggatt was born 24.6.14 and married a Doris Henderson who died late 1998. Their son called Joel Henry Froggatt born 28.5.39 died 6.12.2014. He married Janet Sarah smith and had three children Helen. Neil and terry. We are trying to find out more but am confused if relating to any of your family. Harold was a grenadere guard. They lived in Manchester till 1970s. I can’t find out much more. Any one help

  • Jennifer Nicholas says:

    Helen if you log into you will find Joel and Margaret Froggatt of Ludworth, Derbyshire in several trees. Father was Joseph Froggatt born 1812 and mother Mary Bunting. Place for these two is Mellor, Derbyshire.

  • Jennifer Nicholas says:

    Re Thomas Froggatt and Jane Bowman. It was their daughter who married Benjamin Hallam – 1738 at Peak Forest.

  • Jennifer Nicholas says:

    After corresponding with an expert on Baslow history I now have documentary evidence that confirms that Thomas Froggatt of Bubnell who married Abigail Ambrose was the tenant of Cross Farm, Bubnell and did not migrate to Stoney Middleton. Miss Ambrose’s father was the Rev Joshua Ambrose Vicar of Childwall MA (Oxford) who also had a BA degree from Harvard.

  • Bev Sierpina says:

    I would love to know more about why this family “The colorful Townsend family, who came from Bretton, and whose female line descendants included an infamous granddaughter in Hannah Baddaley, descended from the very early Furness family at Eyam”

    is considered “colorful”. I know I am descended from the Furniss family of Eyam (Joseph and Ann Haslam) and from a Townsend family, possibly those of Bretton. (Francis s/o Robert b. 1739?)

    Collecting as much information as I can before a visit in July.

    • Helen says:

      Hi Bev I’m also interested in why the Townsends were ‘colourful’. I’m researching the family for a friend who is a descendant of the Townsends. I’ve got quite a bit of information about the line if you are interested.

      • Stephen Sproson says:

        Hi, just seen this today after tracing my ancestors back to the Hawksworth family of Eyam. My ancestor Samuel Hawkesworth married Ann Townsend who was born in Eyam. I would be grateful if you had any information on her. Thank you

  • Christopher Clark says:

    Would love to know more about Furness family to which I’m related. Is there someone you could recommend? Thanks so much.

  • Deborah Martin says:

    I am descended from the Furniss (Furness) family who lived in Derbyshire on Moorhay Farm. John Furniss emigrated to NEw Zealand along with his 4 sons and 4 daughters. they farmed in the Waikato. After WW2 John Furniss, son of John Furniss and his son yet another John Furniss moved to Ahuroa north of Auckland New Zealand and farmed there.

    • S J Briddon says:

      Deborah, Hi, my name is Sylvia Briddon. I’m interested that you are related to the Furniss family who lived at Moorhay Farm. My parents lived there from 1946 to 1982 and I grew up there. There is a grave, in one of the fields, of Elizabeth Lucy Ann Furniss.I’m beginning to do some digging into the family and the history of Moorhey Farm(We always spelt it with an ‘E’!)

  • ZRuth says:

    Hi Glenn,

    We are retelling the story of Eyam in the plague years 1665-67. I am very interested to know more about a Mr Richard Moseley who married Elizabeth Fidler (I believe thats her name from her 1st marriage), her first son maintained the name Fidler until Elizabeth (under 2nd marriage Moseley – remarried Sheldon).

    Also, how do I get in touch with ‘Dr. Millicent (Moseley) Tate of Macclesfield and Birmingham.’ if it is possible?

    Im also interested in the Hancock family of the same time. I know they suffered terrible lost of life and Elizabeth fled to meet with her son in Sheffield, and that she may have adopted the last surviving member of the Talbots, Katherine (3mnths), who sadly, died 2 weeks later. I would love to know more information about her children. Oner, John, ELizabeth jr, Joan, Anne, Alice, William, Joseph

  • Garth Gregory says:

    I have traced my direct Gregory line back to the marriage of George Gregory and Frances Froggatt in 1811, Calver. Unfortunately, back then, it does not give parents names or actual residence and Calver was often transcribed under Stoney Middleton, Baslow, Belper and Bakewell. Certainly the most common names since this date have been George, William and Thomas. I wonder if anyone on here can advise me how I can go back from this Marriage ‘certificate’.

  • Ian Kitson says:

    Does anyone have any inforation about the Froggetts from Wakefield?

  • Tricia Heberle says:

    I’m looking for information on my Great Great Great Grandmother Mary Furness born in Calver circa 1818. Father was William. Married James Crowther in 1849 but had a son William my Great Great grandfather, before that born 1842-43.

  • Glenn Trezza says:

    Hi, Ms. Heberle:
    Mary and Martin Furniss, twins (explicitly stated as same), bpt 22 Nov 1815 at Baslow (parish register), children of miner William Furniss of Calver and his wife, Elizabeth. William Furniss of Calver married Baslow (PR) 24 July 1815, Elizabeth Schofield of Baslow, who must have been heavily pregnant when they wed. Both twins appear to have survived to adulthood. William Furniss of Calver, bpt 27 Jan’ry, 1795 Baslow (PR), son of William Furniss and of his wife, Sarah. William Furniss and Sarah Sellors married at Baslow (PR) on 29 Aug 1785. William the elder’s baptism is missing in the Baslow Parish Register, but I believe that he may be the “Child of Martin Furnace of Calver” and Martins’ unnamed wife, baptised at Baslow (PR) on 3 Aug 1760. Martin Furnace of Calver, bpt 30 March 1717 at Baslow (PR), son of Henry Furnace of Calver and of Henry’s wife, Elizabeth (no marriage found), and buried at Baslow (PR) 1st May 1782. Martin Furnace married 24 Oct., 1749, at Bakewell (PR) Mary Chapman of Calver (buried 26 Nov. 1775, “wife of Martin Furniss of Calver”). Henry Furnace was baptised 3 March 1688/9 at Baslow (PR) son of another Henry Furnace (born circa 1659) and the elder Henry’s unknown wife. We know from family wills that Henry Furnace born crica 1659 was a son of yet another Henry Furnace (born circa 1630, buried 17 Jan’ry, 1674/5 Baslow (PR), probably by this eldest Henry’s only known wife,Joan ( ), who was buried as “Joanne Furnace, widow of Calver, and mother of Martin” (another of her many children) on 24 Feb. ,1707/8 at Baslow (PR). Henry Furnace, husband of Joan ( ) and father of Martin and Henry Furnace, among others, was bpt 1st May 1605 Baslow (PR) and was buried 17 Jan’ry, 1671/2 at Baslow (PR). His wife, I have in my notes, may have been called Judith?? (n.b., possibly Judith White, as the While family of nearby Stoke favoured the girl’s name Judith for their daughters. Henry Furnace (1605-1671/2) was son of William Furnace jJr of Calver born circa 1568, buried 19 Dec., 1611 Baslow (PR) by William’s wife, Alice Cocker of Calver (they married at Baslow (PR) on 15 Nov 1590. William Furness (circa 1568-1611 was in turn probably a son of William Furness “senior” (born circa 1541, probably at Calver, bur 25 Feb., 1620/1 Baslow (PR), so outlived his son), by William senior’s wife, Margaret ( ), buried at Baslow (PR) on 22 Nov.,1615, as “Margaret, wife of William Furnace of Calver.” That’s the best reconstruction I’ve been able to puzzle out from the wills and the parish register citations, but don’t take all as gospel in that the baptisms on, for instance, several of the Henry Furnace’s are not extant, so there are some possible alterations to the above. But I hope it’s a good start for you. Cordially, Dr Glenn Trezza, Boston, MA

  • Tricia Heberle says:

    Thank you Glenn, really appreciate this wonderful information. Since writing to you I have confirmed that Mary and Martin were twins born circa 1815 in Calver and baptised in Baslow, so definitely children of William and Elizabeth Schofield. My Great Great Grandfather William Albert Furniss (mother Mary) was born in 1842 in Dukinfield and appears to have been illegitimate. Father may have been John ? but not named on birth certificate so difficult to track down. Hoping to get to Derbyshire when lockdown is lifted. Again, thank you!

  • Tish Farrell says:

    Trawling the Eyam PRs it seems my ancestral Bradwell lead mining Bennetts are descended from Samuel and Joan Bennett (died 1708 and 1703 respectively), sons George, Isaac, Samuel and Richard, all living at Gotheridge. Does anyone know anything about Gotheridge (where it is/was)? I’m assuming the family was lead mining, and that Samuel had come there from outside the immediate area.

    • Glenn R. Trezza says:

      Hi, Ms. Farrell, Gotheridge seems to have been due north of Eyam, across Sir William Hill Road, northeast of Bretton, west of Leam and of Grindleford, south of Oaks Farm and of HighLow, southwest of Hasleford, and near Stanage House. In terms of geographic features, due east of Bretton Clough and due west of Eyam Moor. Samuel Bennett was baptised 30 Oct., 1642 at St. John the Baptist, Tideswell. His parents were Francis Bennett of Grindlow (circa 1611-buried 16 Aug, 1696 Eyam) and Amie Bradshaw (circa 1615-bur 16 June, 1680 Eyam, possibly from a family at Chapel en le Frith, as a Wm Bradshaw of CELF was involved in the 1696 estate administration of Amie’s widower, Francis Bennett). I am familiar with this family because I’m a descendant of Samuel’s paternal aunt, and Francis”s sister, Anne (Bennett) James. Francis Bennett, Anne (Bennett) James and their brother Richard Bennett were the three surviving children of William Bennett junior of Grindlow and of Anne Furness (later married secondly Richard Gregory of Foolow).. And Anne Furness was the daughter of the first known Furness of Eyam–Richard Furness and his wife Elizabeth ( ). So I suspect you’re my double cousin (as I’m also a descendant of Anne (Bennett) James’s paternal aunt, Grace Bennett (daughter of Wm Bennett senior of Grindlow, sister of William Bennett junior and sister-in-law of Anne Furness Bennett Gregory–Grace married Robert Morton of Brosterfield in the parish of Eyam). The parish registers don’t go back into the late 1500s at Eyam, but most of this is discernible in various wills (such as those of Richard and of Elizabeth ( ) Furness (parents of Anne Furness Bennett Gregory), of William Bennett senior of Grindlow (Anne Furness Bennett Gregory’s first father-in-law), of Francis Bennett (a bachelor son of William Bennett senior or Grindlow and a brother-in-law of Anne Furness Bennett Gregory), and of Richard Gregory (Anne Furness Bennett Gregory’s second husband). Your stated ancestor, Samuel Bennett of Gotheridge 1642-1708, had an elder sister Sara Bennett (baptised 1640 at Tideswell) and possibly two younger brothers, George Bennett, a husbandman of Grindlow (circa 1650-1717), married circa 1682 Elizabeth ( ) (circa 1660-1732), and Richard Bennett (circa 1652-after 1684, married 1684 Bakewell Mary Milnes). Are you a descendant of the marriage of Amie Bennett of Gotheridge to her probable second cousin, Francis Bennett of Grindlow and then of Bradwell? I hope that the above is helpful to you. Cordially, Glenn Trezza, Boston, MA, USA, author of much of the Ancestry material on this website)

  • Tish Farrell says:

    Thank you so much for all this fabulous information, Glenn. Sorry I’ve been slow coming back to you. But so nice to meet a likely Bennett relative. I think I’m descended from Richard, youngest son of Samuel and Joan. Also, thank you for confirming the Tideswell origins, because that was what I was surmising. I’ve recently been off at a tangent with Isaac, the second Samuel son, married to Mary Green of Padley (a mystery person). He seems to have been at Knowlegate, Odin mine, in the early 1700s but then at Oaks, Abney, which is where my ancestral Foxes were in the late 17th century before moving to Callow. Mary Ann Bennett, dau of Richard and Hannah (nee Jackson) Bennett of Bradwell was my 3 gg and married to George Brayley Fox of Callow.

  • Sheila Begley says:

    Does anyone have any information relating the the Old Bull Public House in Calver. It would be interesting to know when it was built and any other history. I can not find anything before 1835.

  • Linda Geeson says:

    I am directly related to the Jackson Family from Stoney Middleton with James Jackson who arrived in Stoney around 1800 from Sussex. The Jackson’s married into many local Stoney families.
    My 3xgreat grandfather William Jackson married Elizabeth Broomhead who I think was born in the next village of Calver but came to settle in Stoney middleton. Their is also links with a Mary Marples born 1814 who’s father was a John Marples. Mary marpes married a James Donohue and 2nd husband was a Rowland Stone from Calver.

    • Glenn Trezza says:

      Hi, Ms. Geeson, I apologise–I thought I had replied to your comments but it looks like I hadn’t.
      Daniel Jackson bpt 14 Jan’ry 1759, Horsted Keynes, Sussex, married Mary Hall 8 June 1781 West Hoathly, Sussex. Their eldest son, James Jackson bpt 29 June, 1788 West Hoathly, Sussex and born in East Hoathly, died between 1861 and 1871 UK censuses, at Stoney Middleton. He married 28 Jan’ry 1811 Hartfield, Sussex Jane Read, born at Hartfield, Sussex, and baptised there 8 May 1789, daughter of Samuel Read and of Mary ( ). Jane also died between 1861 and 1871, at Stoney Middleton. James Jackson was a broommaker. Their second child and eldest son was William Jackson born circa 1814 Fletching, Sussex, and died 23 March 1861 (before his parents) and buried at Stoney Middleton. He married 30 May 1833 at Hathersage, Elizabeth Broomhead of the parish of Hathersage (which included the chapelry of Stoney Middleton)–interestingly William was of the parish of Glossop at the time, perhaps because he had been living there temporarily. Their children were James, Thomas, Mary Ann, William, Elizabeth, and Jane. Presumably one of them was your 2-greats-grandparent? Elizabeth Broomhead is harder to narrow down. There are two candidates at Calver: one in 1816 born to Wm Broomhead and Mary Furniss (in which case we’re cousins, because I’m a blood relative of Mary Furniss, twice over actually), and another Elizabeth born in 1818 to John Broomhead and Hannah Stephenson. Both Elizabeth’s descend from the 8 Feb 1727/8 marriage at St. Anne Baslow of Henry Broomhead and Lydia Froggatt, through, respectively, Henry and Lydia’s fourth son, Thomas Broomhead and his wife Sarah Redfearn (parents of William Broomhead who married Mary Furniss) and Henry and Lydia’s eldest son, John Broomhead, and his second wife, Elizabeth Short (parents of John Broomhead who married Hannah Stephenson). Mary Marples was actually born in 1813 at Curbar, a daughter of John Marples of Curbar 1777-1827 and of Martha Bennett Old Brampton (circa. 1780-1834, married at Old Brampton 11 July 1803). John Marples was a son of Joseph Marples 1744-1809 and of Mary Burdikin (1740s-1845, married 7 Oct 1767 at All Saints, Bakewell). Joseph Marples was a son of Thomas Marples of Baslow 1700-1753 and of Mary Garratt of Great Longstone, and Thomas Marples was a son of George Marples 1650-1684 and of Ellen Dobb 1660-1707. George Marples was a son of James Marples of Baslow 1605-1679 and of Elizabeth Woodhouse. James was a son of George Marples of Baslow (born circa 1560), and of his second wife, Ellen ( ). George was son of Robert Marples of Baslow and of Anne ( ), apparently, though there is some speculation that this first George Marples was a son of a James Marples and Agnes Hallowes of Youlgreave (in which case, you’d also be a distant of cousin of mine, because Agnes Hallowes’s brother is also my direct ancestor.) To give credit where credit is due, my cousin Rodney Marples is the pioneer of Marples research, and is responsible for most of the key initial Marple line research. . Ms. Jane Austin (her married surname) is a key pioneer of Jackson research, and several folks have done significant work on the Broomheads. I hope this helps you in your research. With best wishes, your possible cousin, Dr. Glenn Trezza (my Mum’s father’s family were the Hallams of Stoney Middleton back to the 1500s, and I’m related to practically everybody else who has roots in Stoney prior to 1800 (and quite a few of the folks post-1800, too).

      • Linda Geeson says:

        Wow Glenn thank you ever so much for this information. My father told me as a child that his grandma Alice Jackson’s family came from Stoney Middleton and Calver. He didnt know who they were at the time as we were all brought up in Sheffield and Dronfield. It was only years later I researched Alice jackson and realised her father William Jackson was born in Stoney Middleton in 1843. He married Martha Donohue (nee Marples). William Marples father was William Jackson who married Elizabeth Broomhead …as you said their are two candidates for her born at Calver one in 1816 and one in 1818. Funnily enough I am staying at the Moon Inn this weekend for 3 nights with my husband so will be walking in their footsteps. Pity we do not know the houses they lived in. Thanks again Linda (your distant cousin) x

  • Linda Geeson says:

    I am a direct ancestor of the Jackson family from Stoney Middleton. The family go back to a James Jackson who came to the village in 1800 they originally came from Sussex.
    The Jackson’s were Besom broom makers.
    My 3x great grandfather William Jackson married an Elizabeth Broomhead who was born in Stoney or Calver. I also have family links with the Marples family.

    • Glenn Trezza says:

      Hi, Ms. Geeson. See my reply to your intiial email post above. Hope what’s included is helpful to you. With best wishes, Glenn T.

      • Linda Geeson says:

        Thanks Glenn,
        I have a problem though I cannot place my Elizabeth Broomhead born stoney middleton 1816. I understand from your reply she is either the daughter born to William Broomhead and Mary Furniss in which case she died in 1856 a spinster unmarried and is buried in the family plot at St. Annes church Balsow. The other candidate was an Elizabeth Broomhead born to Willm’s brother John and his wife Hannah Stephenson or Marsden in 1818 I researched her and I think she married someone else. Thank you for your help though I think this Elizabeth is always going to be a mystery. regards Linda Geeson

  • Mrs Linda Whitaker says:

    Interesting reading. I am a descendent of an Annie Bennett, daughter of a Martha Bennett (nee Sykes). Both lived and ran the London Tavern in Calver in the 1800’s which i think was in the Sykes family. Does anyone have any information about either Annie or her Mother Martha or photographs of the London Tavern?

    • Glenn Robert Trezza says:

      Hi, Ms. Whitaker, apologies, hadn’t seen your comment til now. I don’t get to check the website that often, being very swamped at my hospital job of late. I have the following in my tree:
      Ellen Hallam of Stoney Middleton 1734-1809, married 1761 Robert Bennett of Calver (baptism not found, died about 1765), parents of: Martha Bennett 1763-1817, married 1791 at St. Anne, Baslow Joseph Sykes of Calver , circa 1737-1824. Martha had had three daughters born out of wedlock: Mary (died in childhood); Barbara (later used the Sykes surname, married 1809 Isaac Barker of Calver); and Ellen (born 1788, nothing further known), then with Joseph Sykes had two children: Ann baptised 9 Jun 1801 at St. Anne, Baslow, and John, bpt 22 May 1804 at Baslow also. I suspect that your Annie “Bennett” was actually Ann Sykes, daughter of Martha Sykes nee Bennett. Ann Sykes’ mother is called “Deborah” in the baptismal citation, but I suspect that this is a clergyman’s confusing Martha with her elder half sister, Deborah Hallam/Redfearn, out of wedlock daughter of Ellen Hallam and the married Joseph Redfearn. I have not traced Annie Bennett/Sykes descendants so I’m afraid that I don’t have your subsequent family in my family trees, but we are cousins, as Ellen Hallam Bennett, mother of Martha, grandmother of Annie was the daughter of Cornelius Hallam of Stoney 1766-1806 and his wife Elizabeth Bowler of Baslow 1711/12-1801, and Cornelius Hallam was the youngest son of Jonathan Hallam of Stoney Middleton 1666/7-1708 and his wife Mary Duckworth 1668-1724. Jonathan Hallam was the elder brother of my 7-greats-grandfather, “Old Joseph” Hallam 1672-1739/40, of Stoney Middleton–so we’re about sixth cousins, I believe. My best wishes to you and your famly and hope that the above helps. Cordially, Glenn T.

    • Glenn Robert Trezza says:

      Hi, Ms. Whitaker, saw one typographical error in my previous post to you: Cornelius Hallam, your potential ancestor, has correct dates of 1706-1766 (not 1766-1806!). My apologies for the fingers that can’t keep up with my thinking!

  • Judith weston nee Hancock says:

    Glen my mother was a Baggaley who married a Hancock both of Stoney I had heard mum was some distant relative of Pursgloves of Eyam

    • Glenn Robert Trezza says:

      Hello, Ms. Weston,
      Are you Jack and Mary Martha’s youngest daughter? If so, we are cousins in multiple ways (most closely as 4th cousins), and your Mum, through her mother, was indeed Pursglove-connected.
      John Baggaley of Stoney 1805-1861=Mary Siddall of Stoney (but born Matlock where her Mum, Ann Siddall of Stoney, was working in the Strutt or Arkwright cotton mills before marrying John Sellers of Stoney, coming back to the Stoney area, and having, among many other children, my 3-greats-grandmother Hannah Sellers (Mrs. James Hallam). John Baggaley and Mary Siddall were parents of John Baggaley 1838-1887, who married as her first husband Mary Martha Hallam 1855-1923 (daughter of shoe manufacturer Benjamin Hallam of Stoney and of Mary Gregory of Calver, and born Sheffield, died Stoney; later, the widowed Mary Martha married her distant cousin Frederick Stockdale Hallam 1842-1916, a first cousin of my great-granddad John William Hallam born 1862 Brightside Sheffield, died 1930 Brooklyn, New York City). John Baggaley and Mary Martha Hallam were parents of an eldest son, William Baggaley 1875-1931 married 1898 Martha Pursglove of Eyam 1879-1945, and were parents of 11 children: John, Joseph, Wilfred, Mary, Sarah Ann, Mary Martha, James William, Laura, George, Eileen, and Henry (Joseph, Mary, and Sarah Ann’s dying in infancy). All the Baggaleys from Stoney are Hallam descendants, as all Stoney Baggaleys descend from the first marriage of Elizabeth Fletcher of Stoney, to James Baggaley of Calver in the early 1700s–Elizabeth Fletcher Baggaley, who later married Robert Mason of Stoney (ancestor of all the Masons still living in Stoney to this day, but from his first marriage to Elizabeth Outram of Goatscliffe) was the 2nd daughter of John Fletcher and Mary Hallam (whose brother “Old Joseph” Hallam, 1672-1739/40, a miner, farmer, and grocer, and the first tenor in the 1717 Stoney Middleton men’s choir at St. Martin, was my Mum’s sixth-great-grandfather). Your cousin and mine, Mrs. Rosemary Lockie, who runs three excellent websites on Stoney genealogy, local history and family wills, has traced the Hancocks in Barlow and Old Brampton back to the 1500s, and I’ve done the Baggaleys back to Edensor, Calver, and Curbar in the 1500s also, so your roots, like mine and Rosemary’s are very deep in the area. Francis Hancock 1775-1828, born Old Brampton, died SM, married 1802 Old Brampton, Mary Drabble 1783-1828, born Old Brampton, died SM, descended from Drabbles at Foolow and environs, parents of: John Hancock, 1802-1854, born Old Brampton, died SM, married 1828 St Peter, Hope, Sarah Blackwell 1806-1852, born Eyam, died SM, parents of: Robert John Hancock, 1838-1901, b/d SM, married 1859, Elizabeth Sarah Wild 1837-1911, born Calver, died SM, parents of: Edmund Hancock, 1866-1941, b/d SM, married 1886 SM, Ellen Goddard 1870-1923, parents of: Martha Goddard Hancock (later George Robert Goddard); George Hancock (marr Mary ( )); Mary “Polly” Hancock (Mrs. Thomas George Marples); Herbert Hancock, Thomas Furness Hancock (marr Myra Walton); Hannah Hancock; Janet Hancock (married a Mr. Gill); Nellie Hancock (marr William Edward Baggaley); Elizabeth “Lizzie” Hancock (marr William Baggaley); Robert John “Jack” Hancock, marr Mary Martha Baggaley; Joseph “Joe” Hancock; Edward Hancock; and Alfred “Gongy” Hancock, married Vera Baggaley. All Hancock research by Rosemary R. Lockie, originally drafted in March 1996. Baggaley research by yours truly more recently. I hope that you and all your family are doing well. My best wishes, your distant cousin, Glenn T.

    • Glenn Robert Trezza says:

      PS to Ms. Weston–the Pursgloves of Eyam have been “done” if you need that information as well. Cordially, Glenn T.

  • Glenn Robert Trezza says:

    Hi, Ms. Weston, a few corrections to my previous post to you (was working from memory, not as reliable as it once was!)–your ancestress Mary Martha (Hallam) (Baggaley) Hallam was actually born in Curbar, not Sheffield, though a number of her siblings were born in Sheffield. Mary Martha’s mother nee Mary Gregory was from Curbar, not Calver. Her father Benjamin Hallam, 1835-1912, son of William Hallam and Clementia Hampshire, was born in Emley, Yorkshire. William Hallam 1804-1848 was born in Kirkburton, Yorkshire, to Benjamin Hallam and his wife Sarah Jagger, who had married at Emley in 1799. William Hallam “returned” to Stoney from the Emley area, in that his father, Benjamin Hallam born 1775, was born and brought up at Stoney Middleton (though later moved to Yorkshire). This is another way that we are distant cousins, as Benjamin Hallam’s great-great-aunt, Elizabeth (Hallam) Thornhill, of Stoney and later of Wardlow, though buried at Stoney, was another of my many-greats-grandmothers. This whole branch of Hallams descend from lead miner Gervas Hallam of Stoney Middleton (died 1729/30), who was probably a first cousin of your and my sibling ancestors, “Old Joseph” Hallam and Mary (Hallam) Fletcher. Best wishes, Glenn T.

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