VE Day Celebrations 1946 – outside the Grouse Inn

Copyright Tony Mason. Comments:
This picture is taken outside the former Grouse Inn during the 1945 VE Day Celebration (victory in Europe WWII).
The sign above the pub shows that the licence at this time was Alfred Edwin Hancock. The sign to its side advertises music, dancing and singing, upholding the opinion of village elders who remember the pub all commented on the pubs reputation for singing.
I can recognise my grandmpther on the V.E. day photo Mary Cother
nee Ward next to her is her sister Doris Middleton nee Ward also the tall women in front of them is Mrs Richardson.
Hello Kevan, which one is your grandmother? Was she born around 1900 and did she marry Charles Cother? I’ve traced her from the census. If so, I believe both she and her husband were members of the boot workers union NUBSO and took part in the strike of 1918 to 1920. Do you know which firm she worked at? I think Charles was at Hinch & Mycock.
The cheeky young boy on the second row with his finger up to his mouth is my Dad, William Leslie Lennon (1940 – 2020). A born & bred Stoney lad who was a 3rd generation boot-maker at our family factory in the village.